This February I shared nine ways you can Go Red during American Heart Month (and beyond) to make a difference for yourself and others. This series will provide more information and resources on each of them. Today’s post: Get up. I would never start smoking, so why would I start sitting? This post is republished from […]

This February I shared nine ways you can Go Red during American Heart Month (and beyond) to make a difference for yourself and others. This series will provide more information and resources on each of them. Today’s post: Get connected. I started this blog just a few days after getting home from the hospital after my […]

During the month of January, my brother Mike’s family decided to try eating vegan and I asked if I could share some about their experiment and their favorite recipes. I’m really excited to report on their month from the perspective of the kids — Oliver, 10, Natalie, 8, Jenna, 7, and Lauren, 4. Today’s reporter: Lauren Name: Lauren […]

During the month of January, my brother Mike’s family decided to try eating vegan and I asked if I could share some about their experiment and their favorite recipes. I’m really excited to report on their month from the perspective of the kids — Oliver, 10, Natalie, 8, Jenna, 7, and Lauren, 4. Today’s reporter: Jenna Name: Jenna Thorson […]

During the month of January, my brother Mike’s family decided to try eating vegan and I asked if I could share some about their experiment and their favorite recipes. I’m really excited to report on their month from the perspective of the kids — Oliver, 10, Natalie, 8, Jenna, 7, and Lauren, 4. Today’s reporter: Natalie Name: Natalie […]

During the month of January, my brother Mike’s family decided to try eating vegan and I asked if I could share some about their experiment and their favorite recipes. I’m really excited to report on their month from the perspective of the kids — Oliver, 10, Natalie, 8, Jenna, 7, and Lauren, 4. Today’s reporter: Oliver […]

My brother Mike and his wife, Beth, have four kids and their life is as busy as you’d expect. He’s also a heart attack survivor and a runner like me, and shares his thoughts on heart disease, exercise, and a healthy life on his Facebook page Run for Your Life (and here on My Life in […]

Earlier this month I shared nine ways you can Go Red during American Heart Month and make a difference for yourself and others. This series will provide more information and resources on each of them. Today’s post: Get checked. Carolyn Thomas is an influential heart disease blogger and speaker, and one of the first heart sisters […]

Wear Red Day gets bigger and better every year! Thank you to everyone who wore red (and told people why!), sent me a photo, tweeted, tagged, or posted your photos — friends, family, coworkers, heart sisters near and far, blog readers, friends of friends, and more. It’s such an incredible feeling to see so much support. […]

This year I am serving as a national spokeswoman for Go Red for Women, and in that role I was asked to contribute an article to the Huffington Post. As I thought about what I wanted women — and everyone really — to know about heart disease, I landed on what is perhaps the most […]