If you are an avid follower of heart disease news like me, there’s no way you missed these headlines:  Apparent heart attack at Heart Attack Grill At Heart Attack Grill, diner’s symptom’s weren’t fake Apparently this restaurant in Las Vegas has made a theme out of unhealthy living. People who weigh over 350 pounds eat […]

This very cool video is worth the watch. It makes it crystal clear why moving your body is the best medicine.

I like this phrase from this public service announcement: “Don’t make excuses, make the call.” My symptoms were pain in back, shoulders, and arms, and fatigue. I made lots of excuses for my symptoms. You shouldn’t. Please take 60 seconds to watch, and then pass it on.

If you are one of the millions like me named Jennifer, you know the Jenny song. You know, “Jenny, I got your number. I’m gonna make you mine. Jenny, don’t change your number . . . 867-5309 ee i en.” That one. (Once at a work/social event for my husband, the band asked if anyone […]

At the risk of completely embarrassing myself, I’m sharing this video/commercial. You might recognize the representative heart attack survivor. Seeing and hearing yourself on camera is never a girl’s favorite thing, but the Allina staff did a nice job with the messages on this prevention-oriented video. I’m very glad I got to say things about […]

I hope everyone has seen this funny and really, far too realistic video, produced by Go Red for Women, the American Heart Association’s women’s heart health campaign. The day of my heart attack started as a totally normal day, and I expected normalcy to resume at any moment (hmm, still waiting). I called Scott from the ER […]