Archives for August 2014

The start of a new school year is the perfect time to get back into a healthy schedule — enough rest, enough exercise, healthy food, and good habits. Starting tomorrow, the EmpowerMEnt Challenge of the American Heart Association calls on families to start preventing heart disease in the next generation — right now and at […]

“Heart disease is a lifestyle disease that can be largely prevented through healthy choices.” You may have seen that phrase or heard it — I certainly have, and to some extent it is true for those privileged enough to have choices. But what about those for whom there are no choices — who live without […]

Today is the third anniversary of the day that I ceased to be me, just me, and became me, the survivor. And what’s extraordinary about today is that it was totally, in every way, ordinary. I worked (at home; no childcare today). I made breakfast and lunch for my boys. I escorted a tentative new […]